Monday, May 13, 2019

Finding God's Plan in Pi

On Pi day March 14th 2018, I was wondering if the Kabbalah Gematria number 155 - the encoded number for God's Plan for Man /Christianity - could be easily found within the digits of Pi.  (This number was derived from my 2013 Holy Week experience I shared in my Sums to Consider post) So, I checked the first 1000 digits and ,lo and behold, there it was at the three hundredth and fourteenth digit.

Why is this significant ?  Well, it is not, if one never considers the ultimate reason for the existence of numbers in the human experience. Including the experience of Faith. Simply put; numbers are the way we humans can determine order and perceive or calculate our very function and existence in life. To find value. Without numbers - individual subjective and object perceived reality falls apart. Human existence is just meaningless randomness.

The understanding of symbolic quantities and measurements led to counting then arithmetical  computations then to mathematics that propelled human development and advancement. The concept Pi brought forth first by the Babylonians then Egyptians and then calculated by Archimedes is certainly critical to that advancement.

Steven Strogatz at the end of his March 13, 2015 New Yorker article "Why Pi Matters", gives a superb answer to the question; "In short Pi is woven into the description of the innermost workings of the universe."

On earth we are familiar with the term Circle of Life. We can see it in creation. We fundamentally know at our core that God has a Plan for Life. And specifically human life.  After all we exist on a planet shaped like a sphere. Circled by a Moon shaped like a sphere. In which both these spheres orbit and are illuminated by a star that is nearly a perfect sphere. It only makes sense Pi would be integral to God's Plan for Man.

Pi is a irrational number that apparently goes into infinity, which is the eternal destiny of man. Pi is a number that can be used to find the center of a circle. In it the center of God's Plan for Man can also be found relative to Genesis. That being the foretold defeat of evil and the prophetic rule of God's kingdom on earth.

So the Lord God said to the serpent, "Because you have done this, cursed are above all livestock and all wild animals! You will crawl on your belly and you will eat dust all the days of your life. And I will put enmity between you and the woman , and between your offspring and hers; he will crush your head, and you will strike at his heel"                                       
                                                                                                                        Genesis 3:14-15

π correct to decimal places
3.141 59265 35897 93238 46264 33832 79502 88419 71693 99375 10582 09749 44592 30781 64062 86208 99862 80348 25342 11706 79821 48086 51328 23066 47093 84460 95505 82231 72535 94081 28481 11745 02841 02701 93852 11055 59644 62294 89549 30381 96442 88109 75665 93344 61284 75648 23378 67831 65271 20190 91456 48566 92346 03486 10454 32664 82133 93607 26024 91412 73724 58700 66063 15588 17488 15209...                         

The Value of Pi
Is it meaningless coincidence that the abbreviated number of Pi 3.14 matches up to the chapter and verse  numbers of Genesis 3:14 ? Furthermore that it corresponds to a encoded number (155) of the letters that spell "God's Plan for Man" and also "Christianity" right at the 314th digit of the extended calculated value of Pi ? And at the 315th digit (5) the scripture stated purpose of God's Plan can be found. Five being the center number of 155

Another interesting thing about the simple Gematria encoded numerical value of God's Plan for Man (Christianity) is that it happens to match the Kabbalah Hebrew value for the words "Design" and "Science". Both being 155. Does it look like God is telling us something?  Oh by the way, the 313th digit of Pi is 3 with the following digits being 1 then 5. Sure looks like the way we organize verses from the Bible. As in Genesis Chapter 3 verse 15. And if you include the digit to the left of the decimal: it then counted as the 314th digit as in Genesis 3:14. Looks to me God is really pointing here.

Oh yes, less I forget the first four places of Pi after the 3 is .1415.

If you ever read my very first post click Sums to Consider - you would see another number was given -190- pointing to the place where the fuller understanding God's Plan for Man (Christianity) was to begin. It is revealing I think that - that number can be found beginning at the 246th digit of Pi. And that the number 246 is the Hebrew encoded value of word Genesis. 

A Unorthodox Message to Consider 

On the website for the free e book God's Plan for Man  one will find a unusual description of the Plan that departs from standard Christian theology. 

"A loving plan; God's Plan for Man, reveals that a mere man will crush Satan's head as the book of Genesis describes (Genesis 3:15) "

In my writings I have shared the discovery of a distinct synchronicity of sums of encoded letters from specific words that correspond to the Logos - that sure seems to me to be a good reason for anyone who seeks truth to explore what is written in this revolutionary book.

 However, it always comes down to who the Father draws. In the Circle of Life there is a center point. There the true value of Pi can be found.  And here it is from page 155 of God's Plan for Man

"The Divine Phenomenon revealed by the Holy Spirit exposes the master plan, a precise time at the end of the period of "times" , which was henceforth held secret - now made known."

As always you are invited to read 

God's Plan for Man

and if you would like to correspond with me
but it must be noted I'm a dummy at math,
but by the Grace of God go I.

Sunday, March 13, 2016

Two Crosses

One Truth

 The point of God's Plan for Man is for us to find the truth. To view and apply Scripture and especially Jesus' words in a present day perspective. If we do so, His Divine Mercy is revealed. His words from the Cross are the delineation point where humanity can cross over to the Kingdom of God if we choose too.

What I share in these writings comes only from what I have first heard and learned from the author of God's Plan for Man and then testing and experiencing them for myself. Experiencing the words are the reason I write here in hopes to be of service, so others might experience the love that comes through God's Christ. Once again they are offered for your consideration.

God's Plan for Man was written so that we may read it from the perspective of one who hung on a cross next to Jesus. The one on His right side. One who comes to see his true self in the light of Jesus on the cross. Then asking for to be forgiven and then repentance (conversion). Then as Jesus promised we can be with Him in Paradise. This occurred physically for a thief as an actual historic event and once again now for one as a spiritual and physical event.

Seems to me, like thieves we take so many things we believe and do in our lives for granted not giving much more thought to them. Including the words of our religions, politics and philosophies. Never really conscious of our thoughts and actions in the light of Love. A Light that imagines Jesus lovingly turning to look at us from the Cross. However, when we do become conscious we realize that we know not what we do!  It is at that point, Our Father's Kingdom comes to life within us.

Most all assume the story of the repentant thief is a story about salvation. It offers us the hope that after we die we can like the repentant thief get the chance to go to heaven and that is often as far as it goes. This is true, however there is so much more meaning to the sacrifice Jesus offered nearly 2,000 years ago. He suffered and died so the Father's Kingdom could become a reality here on earth. That Kingdom begins with knowing His Name. However, the full Truth of Jesus' sacrifice can only be seen from the second cross that is on His right side.

As Jesus was being crucified He spoke these words  "It is finished!" The world, even to this day, overwhelmingly view these words as coming from a broken man who was dying, giving up knowing his time was at hand. However, remember, all you who profess to be good Christians, those words recorded for all posterity were not uttered by any mere man. But by God Himself who humanity knows as the Son of God. His mission was to atone for our sins and bring us back to Himself. In God's Plan for Man the author ardently reminds us - Jesus completed that mission. Once and for all, He defeated the Evil Force that motivates and constructs the Vice system of lies, death and suffering that put Him on the Cross in the first place. Or I should say "IT" constructed the Cross upon which Jesus laid Himself down upon for our sake. Evil was/is defeated and most importantly the lie of evil can now be seen by the Light of the Cross, so we may be protected and defeat evil ourselves for His sake. Beginning with our thoughts. This is the testing point and the victory message of God's Plan for Man. He did this so man could follow.

This is what I have gleaned from reading God's Plan for Man and listening to the author
 Dennis A. Gunn.

Two things occurred from Jesus' death and Resurrection; Salvation and Deliverance. One is eternal the other physical. For almost 2,000 years repentant believers have been comforted in knowing that their souls can enter heaven by the merciful forgiveness Jesus gave from the Cross. For as He said " I did not come to judge the world but to save the world" John 12:47. That is eternal salvation. Yet, the other part of the victory has not yet been fully realized. That is deliverance from evil which is spiritual and physical. Giving mankind a resurrected conscience that will usher in the Kingdom of God here on earth.

How does that deliverance occur? When we come to recognize, internalize and trust the the Power of Jesus' words and sacrifice from the Cross. Thus we will begin to change the way we think/act as the repentant thief did. Then our sufferings will lessen as we come into the healing peace of His will. Because given time we will able to DISCERN more precisely between good and evil and act accordingly. Separating ourselves from that which harms us. This does not occur in some kind of magical way, but through faith and then rational thought and reason. Which combined is wisdom.

 In God's Plan for Man the gift of the Cross becomes the reasoning tool in which we can use as our guide. A guide in which we can see the words of the Bible from their original meaning applied in a present day reality.

 As Dennis A. Gunn  has expressed by putting our thoughts at the Cross we can discern our thoughts. Separating the good from evil. Good on right, bad on left. Thus staying true and being delivered (protected) from evil/lie.  He has explained we do not originate thoughts, but process them. And the thoughts we process come form only one of two places. GOD or evil. Sounds so simple, but it is challenging. However, in time with the Grace of God a true delineation will occur.  This is the Gift of the Second Cross.

                                                                                                                                                                    It is in the wisdom of God, that if we look at the Cross from the light of the second cross, then the Sign of the Son of Man as described in Mathew 24:30 will be revealed. Then Christ will be known throughout the world and the invocation "In Jesus Name " will be fully understood.

Crosses of                            Southern Cross
a Reflective

Einstein Cross

In astronomy there is a commonly known constellation called the Southern Cross. It is regularly seen in the southern hemisphere but only periodically in the southern portion of the Northern Hemisphere. Never the less it is well known in Navigation.  A second astronomical cross less well known is Einstein's Cross. It is a cross that was seen from a radio telescope that was focused on a distant quasar. The light form the quasar bends as it travels through a galaxy in front of it forming a four point cross with a center point as it's heart. Certainly reflective of the wounds of Jesus.

This phenomena is known as gravitational lensing, which is one of the predictions of Albert Einstein's Theory of General Relativity which states a distribution of mass is capable of bending light as it travels from it's source towards the observer. Thus, the observer sees new information plus the original light source. So with this discovery could it be that God wants us to explore more deeply the true meaning of the Cross as a today reality?

Here is something to consider. We now know that in this age there is a second cross known in physics and astronomy; Einstein's Cross. Also, as a reader of my first post we now know that Dennis A. Gunn in the book God's Plan for Man explores the meaning E=MC2.  He postulates about Christ-man relativity to Eternity. God's Plan for Man pg 306-310

Also, the name/word "Einstein" numerical encoded value happens to be 95. Matching anyone of the points of the Name of God Star diagram from my previous post A Gift By Name ".

Are these once again just meaningless coincidences?

"And He said to them all, If any man come after me, let him deny himself, and let him take up his cross daily, and follow me. Luke 9:23."

In this reflective created universe I have seen the cross, Jesus spoke of. One man knows it better than any.  It it is not heavy, but Light.
Christianity is now offered that Cross in God's Plan For Man.

Will you take it up?

Friday, January 1, 2016

Star of Wonder

Over the Christmas holiday I watched a DVD presentation about the Star of Bethlehem. Rick Larson, it's narrator has made a breathtaking historical and astronomical discovery that "Unlocks the Mystery of the World's Most Famous Star." I highly recommend you check it out at

In it he pinpoints the birth of Jesus,which is the pivot point of world history. His work really represents a continuation of the work of Dionysius Extiguus--Dennis the Humble. Who was the sixth century abbot and mathematician who gave us today's calendar and the division of history from B.C. to A.D.

In 525 A.D. he was asked by Pope John I to calculate dates on which all future Easters would be celebrated. He had to dutifully studied the position of the Sun and Moon to complete the task. However, the calendar then either started with the founding of Rome (1285) or a calendar that started with the first year (525) of the reign of the terrible persecutor of Christians; Emperor Diocletian.

It is that fact [about Diocletian] that gave Dennis the great inspiration...[He] calculated his dates on the birth date of [Jesus] Christ. As he put it, he "preferred to count and denote the years from the incarnation Our Lord, in order to make the foundation of our hope better known..." They appeared on his new Easter charts, which began with anno Domini nostri Jesu Christi DCXXXII -- the year of our Lord Jesus Christ 532, or A.D. 532 for short.

                                        David Edwin Duncan
                                       Smithsonian, February, 1999; Calendar

Although it was not mentioned in the article it almost for certain that Dionysius Extiguus needed to have some kind of familiarity with the positions of stars and planets, as well as, the Sun and Moon in order to ascertain the time of the Star that marked the birth of Jesus.

Rick Larson begins his quest by pinpointing the Star of Bethlehem by showing how knowing the stars were important to the ancient Hebrews (Semitic) people by quoting what scholars consider to be one of the oldest text in the Bible;

The Book of Job. Such as Job 9:9:
" He is the Maker of the Bear [Ursa Major] and Orion, the Plieades and the constellations of the south."  And Job 38:31-32 {God says} " Can you bind the beautiful Plieades? Can you loose the cords of Orion? Can you bring forth the constellations in their season.."

From there with deductive reasoning and extensive research aided by astronomical computer software he shows what was (the Star) that marked the birth of Jesus. It is a dynamic presentation that will have you marvel at the handy work of God in the sky. Bolstering your faith.

Now, with out giving to much away he offers September 3 B.C. as the possible time of Jesus's birth. The evidence he sites makes a strong case for this to be so. This is a breakthrough discovery that demonstrates the precision of God's design. Yet, does it end there?

Now, if you have been following my posts you might of surmised that I share what I have discovered and experienced specifically for your consideration. And this post is no different. For in watching the DVD this year I had several (what I will call) spiritual promptings on December 26th that compelled me to do some more research about star and planetary alignments. And thus, I will share here some of what I have discovered.

The movement of the planets have not stopped and the constellations have  not changed since the birth of Jesus. After all they do serve as astronomical navigation points as well as temporal markers that denote the seasons etc. or even "the Signs of the Times." What could be considered as an example of such a sign would be what astronomers call a Great Conjunction or a Triple Conjunction.

A Great Conjunction is when Jupiter and Saturn occupy the same region of space as viewed from earth not once but three times over several months. It has been speculated by astronomers that this occurred in 7 B.C. with Jupiter over Saturn over by 1 degree appearing as a single bright star like one described in Scripture. Or perhaps it was the first sign that caught the Magi's eyes. But maybe the significance of such a conjunction does not only speak to a 2000 year past event but also to a more recent one.

A Great (Triple) Conjunction has occurred twice during the twentieth century. However, the one that occurred between August 1940 and February 1941 does have significant connection with God's Plan for Man as the world plunged into world war. If  one notices and considers some of the  astrological symbolism and historical facts.

AUGUST 15, 1940 JUPITER 1.15 degrees North of SATURN

OCTOBER 11, 1940  JUPITER 1.17 degrees North of SATURN 

FEBRUARY 15, 1941 JUPITER 1.21 degrees North of SATURN
 As you can see the conjunctions of Jupiter was a little more than a degree North over Saturn. Jupiter is considered the kingly planet named after the Roman god Zeus. Saturn was named from the Greek  god; Kronos (father time) most likely because it had the longest viewed orbit (30 years) observed in ancient times. It was also the focal point for the ancient Semitic/Hebrew people known to them as EL.

In reading scriptures one can see a succession of man's attempt to comprehend God through three civilizations; Hebrew, Greek and Roman as well as showing the path the Gospel took as it was carried by the Apostles to hearts throughout the world.

From my research, Saturn represents mankind's old beginning attempts to understand the revelation of God as manifest through mythology and various religions,including Christianity, even to this present day. Jupiter over Saturn represents a new view of Christianity as revealed in God's Plan for Man (GPM).

This Great Conjunction took place in the constellation Taurus--the Bull, Ox and/or Calf. Which represents according to thousand year old Christian iconography and tradition the symbol for the Evangelist Gospel of Luke that is associated with the "Four Living  Creatures" that originated from the Book of Ezekiel (Chapter 1) and then again in Revelation 4:7-8.

In Christian tradition Taurus symbolizes;  redemptive sacrifice, service and strength, as well as, Christ as High Priest and Mary's obedience.

The constellation also can be associated with St. Paul of Tarsus because not only did he come from a city that guarded a pass (Cilician Gates) that went  through the Taurus mountains in present day Turkey, but he went though those mountains twice on his missionary travels to strengthen the existing christian churches. And it should be noted that what he preached more than anything was that the kingdom of God had come because of what Jesus accomplished. It should also be noted that Paul's preferred title for Jesus was "Christ". In GPM the author exhorts the same thing only with a distinction. May I suggest you read page 172 and page 270.


In July of 1941, Jupiter on it's way to rendezvous with Saturn, passed "Rigel" which is a double star that derives it's name form 10th century Arabic; meaning "Foot of the Great One". This name certainly refers to the Orion constellation, but could it not be a description of God?

In 1941 there were two solar and lunar eclipses. And on December 25, 1941 Jupiter was in the constellation Gemini which is the sign of the twin signifying  double, similar and duality as in nature or purpose.

The author of who wrote GPM ,which is a revolutionary book about Jesus, was born on Christmas day 1941 in Cincinnati, OH a town known as "the Queen City" that was originally founded on Christmas day 1788.

By the way Christmas comes from the Latin word which means "Christ comes forth". Also the author's middle name happens to be Arthur as in King Arthur.

Although the concentration of symbolism is not as incredible as 2000 years ago nevertheless they are notable and connective. So, are these more recent signs in the stars something special worth following?  Is it possible that these signs and coincidences predicted a New Understanding of Christianity for today? Indicating the time of a new Kingly message of the Holy Spirit for us to heed. How do you know whether they are Providential or not? What evidence would you accept?

 Well, that all depends how the stars shine in your eyes.

Please Test and Trust. Take all to Jesus. We are living in extraordinary Times.

Monday, October 12, 2015

A Mother points to the Way

 Mosaic of Sister Lucia'a last vision at Fatima, Holy Name of the Blessed Virgin Mary Church in Donora, Pennsylvania. Created by Rudolph Rohn 

Before reading this post I would like the reader to know that I am open to all religious traditions as far as any Spiritual Truth can be found within them. Furthermore, I would like to let it be known that I have stepped forth peacefully from the Catholic Church without bitterness some 20+ years ago. The following is just part of  an account of my spiritual journey.

This post is dedicated with gratitude to my Mom. For she is the one who planted the first seed of Faith in my life when I was around 7 or 8 years old. She told me the story about her mom being miraculously healed as a answer to her prayers to the Blessed Virgin Mary. It is with that story that I began to believe in the real Love of the Virgin Mary for us. Since then I have always turned to Her during times I really need help and guidance. She has never failed me and now that seed my mom had sown has grown into a strong tree of Faith, I went from just believing to knowing to the extent that I do.

So, why am I sharing this with the world?  Because upon reviewing  my walk in Faith I have come to recognize a pattern. A pattern that points in one direction to the revelation God's Plan for Man. And by sharing I hope it will encourage others to review deeper their walk in life. To see how God has moved in their lives and that we can seek a deeper collective understanding of True Christianity.

Although I am no longer follow Roman Catholicism I grew up in that church. Believing in the Virgin Mary's intercession was of course a prominent tenure of the Church's teaching.  I went to all the Catechism classes at Our Lady of Grace Church. Of course the 1917 Visions of the three sheperd children in Fatima, Portugal  were often talked about. It is around that point I began to have the belief that the Blessed Virgin could and would actually appear and communicate with people.

Well, life went on and I never really thought about what the visions of the Blessed Virgin meant. Then in late my twenties I met some people who talked about the Virgin Mary appearing in Medjugorje Yugoslavia. I believed it to be true, but more importantly I decided to follow the messages that were being conveyed from there. That's when the Spirit of God really began to move in my life and my conversion began.

Among other messages, praying the Rosary was encouraged. It was something I never did before, but once I began my inner life began to change. A deeper sense of purpose, hope and peace began to well up in me. I did not just say the prayers over and over again, but meditated upon the meaning of each of Jesus, Mary and Joseph's actions that accompanied each section of the Rosary as described in Scripture. I tried to understand and live the virtues conveyed by each sections of the Rosary. While I no longer pray the Rosary, I try to live the mysteries there contained within.

 I began to travel in religious circles and from there I was introduced to the message of Divine Mercy that came from a Sister Faustina's diary. She was a Polish Nun who lived in the early 20th century that reported having a vision of Jesus. Much could be said about Divine Mercy, but trying to understand the most simple prayer recorded in the Diary, 'Jesus, I trust in you' as a spiritual reality in my daily life became my preoccupation. For me the prayer served as a reminder to love God with all my mind, heart and strength, and to love my neighbor as I do myself. Not only that, but I was also reminded He wants to communicate with us even here on earth. And then Trust what you received. That might sound weird to many people, even Catholics, but after all, what is Holy Communion supposed to be all about?  Should we not expect Him to communicate with us in some way?

It was 1991 and my fiance (now wife) and I had heard of special, seemingly miraculous signs occurring at two different churches outside of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. So we went to see what they were all about. A few remarkable things did occur during our visit.

The first was that my Mom and Dad surprised us by showing up at the hotel we were staying at. I did tell my Mom where we were going be, not ever really thinking she would come to see us. But my Mom and Dad decided to meet us there without telling us. That might not sound unusual, but my Mom often suffered from debilitating depression, so seeing her smiling face when we walked into the hotel lobby was a great and wonderful surprise.

The first church we visited was Holy Trinity Catholic Community Church in Ambridge, Pa.
It was reported that the crucifix there depicting Jesus' with His eyes open would at times have it's eyes close.

We stopped to prayed there but what was more significant to me was the Divine Mercy picture of Jesus right over the tabernacle. We did take some pictures and most all of our pictures turned out normal except for a few. At the time the crucifix was draped in a red cloth and in one of the pictures only the stain glass window depicting Jesus Risen was visible. From the angle the picture was taken one should not been able to see it unobstructed. Plus, everything else was blacked out around it. (To the best of my recollection I was and am fairly certain I did not go up to the alter to take this picture.) With later Council we realized that it was a indication that Jesus wants us to focus on His Resurrection. What do you think? That church was closed in 1994.

Sunday, the next day, we visited The Holy Name of the Blessed Virgin Mary Church in Donora, Pa. It had a huge Mosaic of marble chips created by German artist Rudolph Rohn in 1975 depicting the last vision of Lucia dos Santos of Fatima, Portugal. There too were reports of special signs given there by the Blessed Mother.

It was the Feast of Pentecost when we arrived and we were very late for Mass. To enter the church we had to open two very heavy doors and then go up a flight of covered stairs to the vestibule. We decided to wait there until Mass was over. No other people were there with us. While we were waiting a very strong wind blew open the shut doors and went right up the stairs into the vestibule. That was something. Well, after Mass was over we went inside to pray. All I can say is that Peace I felt there was so deep that I would describe it as almost like being submerged in water without being wet. The mosaic was beautiful. That experience is something I have contemplated over the years. The Church has since then also been closed.

Perhaps, these experiences are just for me. Yet, if you read my September 13th post, hopefully, you can see the pattern. Divine Mercy wants to lead us to a understanding. The Blessed Mother is the one who wants us contemplate the Holy Trinity. Because if we do we will see the One God and His Singular plan of Salvation. It is worth thinking about.  The mosaic is made up of thousands of pieces showing a picture that tells a story. God wants us to be part of His mosaic. To put together all our collective experiences as pieces to a mosaic that reveals His Plan for us and all Mankind.

The book; God's Plan For Man, Who is the Messiah-Christ? can help us see the picture beyond standard theology. The author, Dennis A Gunn, has described the Plan not as a religious one but as a Spiritual Journey of Experience. It is worth checking out.

  For it is the Dedicated work of the Son of Man.
My Mom is a part of that Mosaic for she gave me my first piece. How about you? Do you see the big picture? Who gave you your first piece?  Mary Immaculate will guide you if you trust. And as I was reminded by the author, so I will remind; if you do trust. Then remember Her last recorded words from the Wedding Feast of Cana in Scripture.

 "Do whatever He tells you" John 2:5

Then Trust Him

Sunday, September 13, 2015


  In 2013 I had a remarkable Holy Week. For the most part I have kept it to myself. Yet, for the last couple years I have had the feeling my experience is a message not just for me. So, I have decided to share my experience for whoever reads this to decide for themselves if a heavenly message has been offered as an invitation to explore God's Plan for Man through simple arithmetic. For after all, if we want to be rational people; "Things need to Add Up."

  Back in 2013, I read an e-book called "God's Plan for Man, Who is the Messiah-Christ?" by Dennis A. Gunn. It is a second reedited edition from the 1996 original book. On page 207 the author states; "The content presented in this book is true, but you must test it to become spiritually enlightened and strengthened. Adding to what you already have been given".

  It is a bold statement. But lots of people and authors can and do make such statements saying; "This is true or that is true". So, how can we come to know something is true? Especially, if that something is something we just believe (hypothesize) to be true. Well, it seems to me the scientific method is best way. Hold up your belief as a theory then test it to see if it holds up or not with what you already know to be true.

  It has been shared with me for a long time to test beliefs and statements of belief that are communicated to us.  So, I will pass that advice on to you. For I have come to know that what is contained in God's Plan for Man, to be true by first believing in God's Divine Mercy and the most simple prayer; "Jesus, I trust in You".

  To be honest it has not always been easy and at times a challenge to trust enough in order to understand the meaning of Divine Mercy. Which is a catholic prayer devotional promulgated by Pope John Paul II based on the Diary writings of the 20th century nun, Sister M. Faustina Kowalska who was part of the Congregation of the Sisters of Our Lady of Mercy. But, I first believed and now know that Jesus is merciful and He will always help us find the Truth in our lives, if we earnestly seek it.

  So, with all that said - before I get to the experience of 2013,  I should preface that it came from a culmination of discoveries I made in 1999. It is necessary to do so in order to give you a proper perspective about the message and the invitation to read the e- book.

  In  June of 1999, I watched a television show called "Fire in the Sky", which was an episode from the History Channel series, "Connections" produced by science historian James Burke. In it I learned of the a 13th century Jewish mystic, Rabbi Abraham Abulafia who lived in Spain. He was a Kabbalhist who among other things practiced a form of Gematria. For Kabbalhist the secret of the universe can be found in numbers. Gematria is a formula where one "designates a number to every letter to encode the knowledge that is contained in every language hidden in its words." The formula is quantitative by design.
  One example that was given was first encoding the English alphabet with the numerals 1 to 26  from A to Z. Then applying the code to the words; "God is Love" as found John's letter (1 John 4:16).                                                    
                                                         GOD +  IS = 54     LOVE = 54
                                                          26     +  28

 A quantity that shows the existence of God is evidenced by Love.
Another that was given:


  During the time I watched it, I was at a point in my life where I was investigating, even grappling, with what I perceived to be a new understanding of the Messianic message, which I believed was being presented in a book I was reading, "God's Plan for Man, Who is the Messiah-Christ?" What was being conveyed in it in many ways was outside of traditional christian doctrine.

  So,  I prayerfully applied the formula to the name and title "Jesus Christ" and to the name of the author of the above mentioned book.  Within 20 minutes the equality of the sums were nothing less than remarkable.  And, in fact, confirmed what I suspected to be true. For in the book the author conveys a new spiritual understanding of E=MC2 and the sums logically authenticated that understanding to be true.

  Now, Gematria could be considered to be like a bunch of ancient anagrams. And anyone with a healthy skepticism would be able to see that numbers and words match up in all kinds of random ways and their meanings often do not match up most of the time. However, the equality of the sums I came up were so timely and statistically amazing when applied to the singular premise or idea that the author lays out in the book concerning E=MC2 that it is in that context his proposition is really validated. And in my humble opinion should not be so easily discounted.

  Right now, I am going to share only one of the sums of the several that added up that night. Because I feel it is more important to share what I more recently discovered. I only share that 1999 experience as a background for the 2013 experience. But certainly this SUM should bolster any one of Christian belief and is something to consider for those of other religions.

 JESUS = 74   MESSIAH = 74  

  On Holy Thursday, March 28th, 2013 my family and I saw a full east to west very vivid rainbow in the sky, set against dark clouds. As partially shown in the above photograph. I do not know about you, but I have never personally seen such full rainbow other than in photographs. Before dawn the following morning (Good Friday) I awoke to the calling of my name by a male voice. Everyone was asleep, but I knew I actual heard a voice in my ear. I lay there for a few moments wondering. Then I replied; "Here I am, Lord." With that came this thought (not a voice as before); "Pray for the Hope of Nations."

  The next day as I was pondering the experience I began to think about what occurred concerning the Kabbalah and Gematria some 14 years earlier. The next day on the Feast of the Resurrection (called Easter) I decided to apply simple Gematria to an idea that I thought was true. That God's Plan for Man is Divine Mercy which is the Hope of Nations. So, I added up the respected sums. And WOW!

THE + HOPE +  OF + NATIONS = 190    THE + UNITED + STATES = 190

That's not all!

GOD'S + PLAN + FOR + MAN = 155    IS + DIVINE + MERCY= 155

However, there was one more! For I always believed Jesus's Mother had a important part in God's Plan.


And even later

          Christianity =   155  =  God's Plan For Man

  Although the experience was personal as you can see the math is universal, which makes it something I felt I should share.  For me, the sums go beyond dumb luck coincidence but are providential. Perhaps, others will agree and trust.

  This country is a special place for it is here where God's Plan For Man exists and Divine Mercy revealed. I encourage you to seriously consider this a message to Trust in Jesus. And except the invitation to read the e- book by visiting:

the Free e- book

click below

  Its basis is scriptural as a present day reality, but it is deep and can be quite a challenging read. Yet, a new foundation of Truth is being established by each person who tests and grasps the words contained within it.

  Jesus said,"Wherever two or three gather in my Name there I am in their midst." This book can be the beginning of a New Spiritual Church for you that has no walls.  It can be the beginning of a new revelation of God through the Bible in your life. I look forward to hearing about your experiences and discoveries in God's Plan For you.